Frequently asked questions

Calculating subscriptions (fees)

Your subscription will vary depending on the amount and type of work you do. For the rate applicable to you...

Can I still ask for assistance if I leave the MDU, retire from practice or go on a break?

It depends what type of membership you have. If your membership is on an "occurrence basis" you can ask for...

Does MDU professional indemnity still apply if I work over the 48 hours as advised by the European Working Time Directive?

As long as a member is appropriately trained and working within the law, you can request our assistance...

Do you provide indemnity for working overseas?

If you are planning to work overseas, please let our membership team know. If you are a paying member in...

How do I access online services?

To access all our online services you will need to register an account on our website...

How do I access Synap?

Find out how to access your offer from Synap.

How do I cancel my membership?

If you are taking a break or have retired from clinical practice, you may not need to cancel your membership...

How to calculate a session

Your subscription is based on the amount and type of work that you do. For some members subscriptions...

If I call the medico-legal advice line will it affect my subscription?

The MDU wishes to dispel the myth that MDU members could be disadvantaged if they contact our...

Online subscription payments

UK members can pay subscriptions online. Here we answer some common questions...