I'm being investigated by the police

disclosure to the police
  1. Call us immediately on 0800 716 646 if you're being investigated by the police about an allegation arising from your clinical practice. This is vital if you've been arrested and have been, or will be, interviewed under caution.
  2. Remember, our advice line is available 24 hours a day for situations such as this. Please call us even if you are offered the duty solicitor.
  3. If you are contacted by the police, ask for the officer's name and contact details so we can liaise with them.
  4. If you might be a suspect, do not give any account to the police without first seeking our advice.
  5. If you're asked to attend an interview on a particular date, explain that you are willing to cooperate but would like to speak to your defence organisation first, to ask if they can provide representation.
  6. Do not make contact with anyone who may be a witness in the police investigation, and do not discuss the allegations with anyone before speaking to your MDU adviser or legal team.