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Patient images can be helpful in remote consultations, but it's important to be mindful of the medico-legal issues around receiving and storing them.
What to do if patients refuse to wear a face covering or mask when deemed necessary.
Doctors have a statutory duty to notify the local authority of suspected cases of certain infectious diseases.
Dr Fiona Donald, president of the RCoA, offers her thoughts on how the pandemic has affected her specialty, and how it may inform its future – as well as that of the wider profession.
Two fourth-year students, Meenakshi Veeramani and Daniel Zhao, discuss learning off-the-books during their time volunteering in the ITU.
The pandemic has provided fresh impetus to improve healthcare regulation. Now is the time to deliver reform.
Examining complaints about delays in treatment caused by pandemic disruption – and how to manage them.
A GP was contacted by a local care home as the daughter of one of their residents objected to their mother receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Medical students across the country supported the health systems during the COVID-19 pandemic, with some volunteering in hospitals when called.