What are Extended Benefit Rights?

If you leave the MDU before the normal retirement date of your NHS pension scheme, Extended Benefit Rights allow you to report new claims and request MDU assistance with claims already made arising from incidents occurring during Transitional Benefits membership, for work under an NHS primary care contract in England or Wales.

Extended Benefit Rights need to be purchased and renewed each year until the state-backed scheme assumes responsibility for historic claims or you reach normal retirement age for your NHS pension.

Members retiring at or after the normal retirement age for their NHS pension scheme will not be charged for Extended Benefit Rights. In the event of your death while in a period of Transitional Membership, your personal representatives will not be charged for Extended Benefit Rights.

If you retire before normal NHS retirement age or leave the MDU and haven't purchased Extended Benefits Rights you should not expect to receive any further assistance or indemnity with existing claims already being handled by the MDU or new claims arising from incidents occurring during the period of Transitional Benefits membership.

This page was correct at publication on 07/05/2024. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.