Electronic statutory communications

Terms and conditions

The Medical Defence Union Limited ("MDU") is legally obliged to send members the Annual Report & Accounts, notice of general meetings, proxy forms and certain other documents and information (statutory communications). The MDU is very pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to receive statutory communications electronically. This can enhance the speed and convenience of communication and help to reduce costs and paper usage.
If you would like to receive the Annual Report and Accounts electronically, including notification by email, simply log in to My membership. If you haven't already registered you will need to do this first.

How to register

Simply go to My membership and log in or register. Then go to the mailing preferences section. 

You will need Adobe Reader to read the annual report and accounts. If you have any difficulties accessing the documents, please contact us.

You can change your mind

If at any point you change your mind and wish to revert to receiving statutory communications in paper format, please revisit My membership and change your preferences.

What happens once you have registered

Each year we will send you an email containing:

  • a link to the Annual Report & Accounts, including notice of the Annual General Meeting
  • a link to the online proxy form

We will also send you an email containing notice of any other general meeting and a link to any other statutory communications.

What you are agreeing to if you register

  • Notifying us if you change your email address
  • Having access to statutory communications on our website (instead of us sending them to you by post)
  • Being notified by email of the publication of these documents and information on our website, the address of the site and the place on it where they may be accessed, and how they may be accessed
  • Notice of any general meeting of the company being sent to you by email, together with details of any proxy appointment deadlines.

What happens if an email notification fails

If we are advised that an email notification has failed, we will send you notification by post.

Computer viruses

The company takes all reasonable precautions to ensure no computer viruses are present in email communications it sends but the company cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the opening or use of any email or attachments from the company.

Added security for your peace of mind

In certain circumstances, when dealing with highly sensitive or confidential information, we may want to send you content using Egress email encryption software. In these circumstances we will contact you with further details on Egress encryption.

Further information

If you require more information about receiving statutory communications electronically please do not hesitate to contact the freephone membership helpline on 0800 716 376.