Case studies

Building blocks
Successful defence of high value claim

16 July 2018

The MDU defended a GP member in a high value case concerning an alleged failure to refer to hospital for suspected endocarditis.

Hour glass
Alleged delayed diagnosis of testicular cancer

16 July 2018

A 40-year old man brought a claim against his GP for an alleged failure to refer him for suspected testicular cancer

Oxygen canister
Alleged allergic reaction to prescribed antibiotics

16 July 2018

A patient in his late 30s presented to an MDU GP member complaining of a cough that had lasted for two weeks.

Fishing net
Alleged delayed diagnosis of breast cancer

16 July 2018

A patient brought a claim against a GP member alleging delayed diagnosis and failure to identify breast cancer.

Barbell weights
Complications after shoulder surgery

16 July 2018

A patient brought a claim against an MDU member more than two years after having surgery.

Close-up of knot
Delayed diagnosis of hernia strangulation

16 July 2018

A patient with a known right inguinal hernia was seen at an out-of-hours GP unit by an MDU member.

Burning fuse
Disclosure in the public interest

16 July 2018

A GP had been seeing a patient with known mental health issues and a previous history of assaulting a third party.

Playing cards
Mix-up of patient records

16 July 2018

A GP partner called the MDU advice line following the death of a patient.

Mortuary drawers
Pressure to provide a death certificate

16 July 2018

A GP called the MDU advice line after having a difficult conversation with the coroner's officer.

Facebook image
Patient warned by GP after selling prescribed drugs online

23 April 2018

A GP contacted the MDU’s advice line because a member of the practice team had noticed a Facebook page in which a patient of the practice appeared to be selling prescribed drugs including diazepam and oxycodone.