Doctors need time to digest the GMC's more detailed guidance, says MDU

The Medical Defence Union has expressed concern that doctors won't have enough time to fully digest the more detailed guidance, published today, relating to the GMC's updated 'Good medical practice'.

The MDGs cover a range of important topics, including maintaining personal and professional boundaries, social media, ending a professional relationship with a patient and producing witness statements.

The MDU understands the need for a comprehensive update given the revisions made to 'Good medical practice', but it is still a challenge for doctors to read and absorb the MDGs over the busy winter months on top of their daily duties and responsibilities to patients.

This is supported by research, conducted earlier this year, into the revised 'Good medical practice', in which the MDU found that only half (49%) of respondents were confident that they would have time to fully absorb the new standards before they are implemented.

Seven in ten (69%) said they would have to read the guidance in their own time outside of work. Unfortunately, this figure is likely to increase due to the introduction of the MDGs.

Dr Udvitha Nandasoma, head of advisory services at the MDU, said:

"We are pleased to see that the more detailed guidance related to 'Good medical practice' has been published. It is our belief that doctors know how important the guidance is, and as such it is concerning that they feel they have insufficient time to absorb this and the new MDGs over the busy winter period.

"At the MDU, we are supporting members as to what the new guidance means for them to provide the best possible care to their patients."

This page was correct at publication on 04/12/2023. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.