Press releases

MDU welcomes proposals to reform GMC fitness to practise process

26 March 2021

We welcome the publication of long-awaited government proposals to streamline the way healthcare professionals are regulated.

Nearly all GPs have faced a complaint during their career according to a MDU member survey

11 March 2021

97% of GPs surveyed have received a complaint against them during the course of their career, according to research published by the UK’s leading medical defence organisation.

Fear of complaints pushing doctors to breaking point, warns MDU

15 February 2021

Doctors fear a wave of complaints due to the difficulties of caring for patients during the pandemic, according to a new survey published today.

MDU urges regulators to continue with face-to-face fitness to practise hearings in contested cases

5 January 2021

Responding to the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care review of lessons to be learned from regulation during the pandemic.

A changing personal injury discount rate (PIDR) in Northern Ireland: MDU response

17 August 2020

The MDU has responded to the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland's consultation on changes to how the personal injury discount rate (PIDR) is set.

Doctor explaining diagnosis to patient
Statutory duty of candour in Northern Ireland: MDU submission

17 September 2019

The MDU recently submitted a document to the NI Department of Health's IHRD (Inquiry Into Hyponatraemia-related Deaths) Duty of Candour Workstream, relating to on-going work aimed at establishing a statutory duty of candour in the country.

NHS under strain from rocketing clinical negligence costs

12 July 2019

The NHS is under enormous strain from rising costs of clinical negligence claims.

FTP hearing
Free up healthcare regulators to do their job better, MDU urges

17 January 2018

The GMC and other regulators of healthcare professionals need to be given greater flexibility so they can become more efficient and responsive to the changing regulatory environment, says the MDU.

gavel law concept
Fixed recoverable costs should be extended to all claims, says MDU

28 February 2017

The MDU has submitted evidence to Lord Justice Jackson's review of fixed recoverable costs.