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8 January 2024
It's common for coroners to ask for a report from clinicians involved in caring for a deceased patient. Here are some principles that will help you.
What doctors in the Republic of Ireland need to know about raising a concern effectively and appropriately.
The dos and don'ts of professionalism for doctors in the Republic of Ireland.
For doctors in the Republic of Ireland, finding yourself subject to a Medical Council investigation can be an upsetting and stressful experience. Here's what you need to know.
Doctors have legal, ethical, and contractual obligations to obtain patients' consent for medical examination and treatment in most circumstances.
Assessing a patient’s capacity is essential if their ability to make a decision is in question.
When might doctors be required to share information with the Gardaí?
Our introduction for doctors in the Republic of Ireland on confidentiality - one of the core principles of medical ethics.
Understanding your role and responsibilities when attending a coroner's inquest.
What should you do if a patient continues driving against medical advice?