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1 August 2023
What advice is available to doctors in the Republic of Ireland on how to avoid the medico-legal risks of social media?
31 July 2023
Dr Claire Wratten, claims team manager, and Pete Renwick, lead claims handler, analyse clinical negligence claims against MDU ophthalmologist members over a 10-year period and offer advice on managing common risks in the speciality.
24 May 2023
Local resolution meetings can be a helpful way to resolve complaints. Here's what you need to know.
31 March 2023
What you need to know about the Caldicott principles and the National Data Guardian.
17 February 2023
Here's what you need to know about GMC provisional enquiries and what to do if your case is being dealt with as one.
30 January 2023
Patients become ‘challenging’ for a number of reasons. Here, we advise on managing the patient while protecting yourself, staff and other patients.
19 December 2022
You have responsibilities to a patient if their condition or treatment affects their ability or fitness to drive.
28 November 2022
What should you do if a patient wants to record a consultation, overtly or covertly?
3 November 2022
Patient confidentiality applies to all patients – no matter how famous or high-profile they might be.
1 November 2022
Storing patient information in a cloud can be useful – but it's worth making sure you've considered data security and confidentiality issues.