Podcasts and videos

FTP hearing
GMC Fitness to Practise procedure

9 March 2015

What happens during a GMC Fitness to Practise investigation and MPTS hearing? Dr Udvitha Nandasoma explains.

Complaints process
Handling complaints

9 March 2015

Good practice in handling complaints following the NHS complaints procedure. Dr Sarah Jarvis presents.

Receiving notice of a claim
Notification of a claim

9 March 2015

Dr Sharmala Moodley, deputy head of claims handling, takes you through what to expect if you receive notification of a claim.

Writing a report
Writing a medico-legal report

9 March 2015

It’s always worth taking the time and trouble to get a medico-legal report absolutely right, says Dr Udvitha Nandasoma.

Clinical negligence claims explained

21 January 2010

Having your reputation called into question can be a daunting concept for any doctor. In this podcast, Dr Sharmala Moodley, deputy head of claims at the MDU, explains how the legal process works.

GMC letter
A letter from the GMC

7 September 2009

Getting a letter from the GMC saying someone has complained about you can be very worrying. MDU medico-legal adviser Dr Helen Burnell explains the process in this short podcast.