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An Extended Reporting Period provides an ongoing right to request MDU assistance, when you are no longer an active member, for claims arising from an incident or course of treatment which happened during your claims made membership.
An Extended Reporting Period can be applied for by you (or your personal representatives after your death) by contacting the membership team. An additional subscription may need to be paid.
Applications for an Extended Reporting Period must be made before you leave MDU membership or up to 30 days after your membership ends. After your death, your personal representatives have 30 days to apply for an Extended Reporting Period once probate or letters of administration are granted.
The granting of an Extended Reporting Period, rests at the discretion of the Board of Management of the MDU.
If you apply for, and the MDU grants an Extended Reporting Period, no additional subscription will be necessary in the following circumstances:
a. You are permanently retiring from medical practice, having reached the normal retirement age for your NHS pension scheme, and have been in continuous claims made membership for the preceding ten years.
b. In the event of your death while in MDU membership and your personal representatives apply for, and the MDU grants, an Extended Reporting Period.
c. You permanently retire from practice as a result of ill health while you are in MDU membership and apply for, and are granted, ill health retirement under the terms of your NHS pension scheme.
In all other circumstances, an additional subscription will need to be paid.
An Extended Reporting Period will be renewable annually with a further subscription payable each year.
You will not have to pay an additional subscription for the continuing right to request the benefits of membership in relation to new matters arising from events during a period of occurrence based membership that pre-dated your period of claims made membership.
This page was correct at publication on . Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.
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